By Anonymous
Submitted: 4 months ago
I live with my ex-husband for economic reasons. It was his idea that we do not sell the house and try to live in harmony as we have kids in college and most of our money goes towards their expenses. I am not feeling good about us still being in the same house. He was emotionally and mentally abusive for most of our marriage not to mention controlling to the point where I was always in fear. Being around him is just a reminder of what I went through. Although he's a bit mellowed out due to health issues and age, I do occasionally see the abusive side of him when he doesn't get his way. I think it's best we go our separate ways but not sure how to make that happen and there are so many variables involved. His health is declining and I don't feel good about leaving him on his own. I need prayer for guidance. I want the best outcome for both of us. I don't want to make any hasty decisions. I still care about him despite all that has happened over the years.