Prayer Request

By Casy

Submitted: 9 months ago

Dear WGTS family,
Thank you for lifting your hearts in prayer to our Lord Jesus on my behalf. If you could please pray for guidance, wisdom, and strength for me, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am facing two life-changing decisions in the near future, and I am really struggling to hear and understand God’s will for my life. I know the Lord is working in my life, but I can’t seem to understand what He is asking of me or His timeline for me to make such decisions.
I truly wish to follow God’s plan for my life and not my own. I am terrified that I will not understand His will for me and act based on my own judgement or that I will not have the strength to do what He is asking of me. I have lived in the dark and have strayed from God for far too long. For the first time, I feel like I am finally getting to know Jesus as my personal Savior and feel Him working in my heart. I can’t bear the thought of backsliding in my relationship with Him by making the wrong decisions. So please pray for God to give me clarity and faith as He makes a way where there is no way.

13 prayed for this