Prayer Request

By Cast Down, But not Destroyed

Submitted: 12 months ago

I’m the only Christian in my workplace I have never had any problem or issues in last 10 pluses years working for this company until I moved to this department with this manager… last year an employee make accusations against me went through investigation and the allegations were proven to be false this year another employee is making accusations they’re not gonna investigate this time because they feel that if this is the second employee making accusation against me ,then must be true. This time I was accused of making inappropriate comment to another female employee , bulling that employee and being passive aggressive and something about my tone .. I work with Muslim any question I tried my best every day to watch my peas and cues and cost every thought not to give satan a foothold but here I go again I’ve been crying ever since I left the meeting today my heart break because I know these are all false allegations against my character just tired praye for the give me wisdom peace in mist of the best of trials and tribulations
Gods grace and mercy in name Jesus that enemy dose not prevail Thank you advance for your prayers ?

10 prayed for this