Prayer Request

By Bmr

Submitted: 6 months ago

In Jesus Name Sarah is healed and protected and delivered from hives immediately and permanently, Lord reveal to her and me and my family what is causing Sarah’s hives, no weapon formed against her and us shall prosper, in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

Lord praying for Sarah and her boyfriend BW, in Jesus Mighty Name all prayers and curses coming against them and their relationship together, I cast down and pull down all attacks and block them from Sarah, BW and my family and loved ones and I, by the Blood of Jesus, help BW speak up and Express himself and help Sarah be receptive and calm, in Jesus Name,

I pray they forgive each other, improve their relationship, be open, honest and communicative with each other and faithful to each other, I pray they are kind and patient with each other, I pray they get married to each other and stay happily married to each other, God’s will be done, I pray they walk in the Kingdom of God together and go to a good church together , Lord, deliver them and us from evil, grant them travel mercies and great health and protection, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen.

14 prayed for this