Prayer Request

By Bill

Submitted: 6 months ago

I am 65 years old and have always been very involved in my church, and I read the Bible every evening. 15 years ago I was one of the main cooks for my church’s Wednesday night Bible Study dinners. We usually had about 100 +/- attendees. One afternoon a woman came in to help. I was immediately taken by her. The first night I went to her house for dinner, we poured our hearts out to each other for about 3 hours. I knew then that she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The first 3 1/2 years were magical, and we turned my house into our home. I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. I had never been sooooo happy and content in my entire life. Then, a young lady at our Church falsely accused me of being inappropriate with her. My beloved told me she was not getting to let her false allegations, or the gossip/rumors around the Church, ruin our relationship. Shortly after that she left me for one of my so-called friends at Church. I was devastated, and fell into a very deep depression. I lost 40 pounds over the next 4 months because I didn’t want to eat. I begged God on numerous occasions to take me home to Him as the pain and the hurt were unbearable. She came back to me, and I thought we were going to spend forever together. For some unknown reason, after a couple months, she left me again for him. Once again, I took her back, and as the Bible instructs, kept no records of her wrongs. This happened 4 more times over the next 2 years. We finally got back together, and I thought we were good. Then about a year and a half ago, just after her birthday, she left me again, for a different so-called friend of mine at church. It has now been a year and a half without her in my life at all. I still don’t understand why she would have done this to me again. I have always tried to treat her with kindness, love, affection, and respect, as she truly was the love of my life. I think about her almost every single day, and many days cry my eyes out over her not being with me. My counselor told me God is not punishing you, He is protecting you from a woman who does not appreciate your unconditional love for her, and He has something better for you. I am struggling soooooooooooooo much with this. I KNOW God’s plans are better than my plans, but I am still sooooooooo heartbroken, and feel NO joy in life whatsoever. Truth be told, I have, once again, asked God to take me home to Him. I have asked God to, and need prayers for, Him to increase my FAITH in Him, and have also asked Him to take away the incredible sadness and heartbreak I feel almost every minute of every day. PLEASE PRAY for ME. Thank you and God Bless you all.

14 prayed for this