By Beverly
Submitted: 4 months ago
Praying that my husband and I find a place to live and that the manifestation of God's compensation and restoration happen speedily.
On Sunday, 1 September 2024, a man that was drunk and high drove the vehicle he was in into our manufactured home. Thankfully, we were not killed. The damage, which far exceeds the housing insurance we have, is so severe that the structural integrity of this home is extremely questionable. We have been without hot water, pipes are broken, and we must continually plug up the hole caused by the vehicle to keep pests and animals out. Our housing community is requiring us to continue to pay and they refuse to go after the culprit who caused the damage. We are looking for legal help to pursue him.
We have to move asap into a suitable place. We have been looking since 2 September 2024, but have neither been selected, thus far, to become new tenants nor have we won a contract to purchase a home. The emotional strain is great on us individually and our marriage, and it is NOT getting any warmer here in the Midwest.
Thank you for praying for us. We pray that God will meet yours and our most urgent needs in miraculous ways that only can be attributed to Him alone. GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!!! There's only VICTORY resulting from every battle God allows us to enter. To God be the glory. He STILL does great things!!!!!