Prayer Request


Submitted: 1 year ago

Update 8/25: We received bad news today. My mom’s insurance denied the inpatient rehab request. The case manager will try to figure out other options for her. My mom cried after the case manager left the room. Continued prayers would be much appreciated that she will receive the help she needs to recover from her surgery.
Update 8/24: My mom had the mitral valve replacement via open heart surgery on Fri 8/18. Praise God and thank you for all the prayers. The surgery went well. My dad spoke with the case manager this am before I arrived to the hospital. The case manager is going to see if she can go to the rehab within the hospital and if her insurance will cover it. Then she can just go to dialysis at the hospital. If not, there’s another rehab facility that he mentioned that my grandfather went to years ago. But, they would need to transport her to dialysis via van. ??????. The physical therapist finally came and worked with my mom this am. I’m just praying that she gets approved for the inpatient rehab at the hospital. That will make things so much easier with dialysis and on my dad.
8/17: My mom has been in the hospital for the past 1.5 weeks waiting to have valve replacement surgery. We just found out yesterday from the surgeon that the surgery will be tomorrow 8/18 after dialysis session. I continue to pray that the surgeon and medical team will make the right decisions concerning her care. I also pray that my mom will continue to stay positive and her faith will remain strong. I pray for a smooth recovery for her. I appreciate all of the continued prayers for her!

9 prayed for this