Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 1 year ago

For those struggling with inappropriate physical afflictions, such as first word starting with “mast” ending with “urbation” and the other word starting with “por” ending with an “n”, and other acts that lead to it, please note that those acts open doorways to evil spirits because it is an act of sin in itself. Please note that some of these acts are also attacks from evil spirits who cause one to behave this way especially when they are really strong and you can’t control yourself. Sleeping with others not your spouses sometimes also opens doorways for such spirits to enter people’s lives, or having been abused etc. There are many manners in which we are attacked. Sometimes these attacks come from evil people who target others with magic etc. Of course others may say it’s an addiction but know that also the spiritual can affect the physical, mental and emotional in disastrous manners. If you find yourself dreaming of such acts in whatever manner that they may come to you people and even feeling such feelings when asleep that come with those dreams to a point were your body even reacts to them, know then that is a spirit affecting you. Repent of all your sins you have committed against God and others, try by all means to remember them, confess them and ask forgiveness from God for having sinned against him and others. Ask your pastor or reverend to pray for you and bless you and your home as often as possible even when you are afraid to disclose your afflictions to them because of fear of being judged. Remember a time when you were young and didn’t do those things and question yourself why is it happening now to you and reflect on how and why it came about. God always reveals to us when we ask of him. Read the bible, immerse yourself in His holy word. Try to imagine yourself what would you do when doing your sinful acts, how would you feel if a loved one walked in on you doing that. Keep that as a mental shield to try and resist the urge to do anything negative. If those feelings come on stronger unexpectedly rebuke them in the name of Jesus, move from were you are standing or sitting or sleeping and walk those evil feelings off or do something productive to keep your mind from dwelling on such negaive acts. See and notice your surroundings and what triggers those urges and rebuke them in the name of Jesus. Cover yourself, your home and your sins with the blood of Jesus in order that the evil spirits may not gain legal ground over your sins, using them against you. I don’t know if this message may help anyone but know that everything is a process and getting back to God is a long and hard process because we as humans do a lot of damage to our bodies and spirits by sinning but know that God is always on your side and ready to forgive. Just remember not to commit those sins again. Keep yourself busy with positive things and positive minded people whom God has blessed you with. It will take time but hopefully the urges and attacks will lessen overtime. Keep your eyes on God and not on your failures or how strongly you are attacked by evil. KEEP YOUR EYES, MIND, SPIRIT AND HEART ONLY ON GOD. He is there guiding us each and every step of the way even though our enemies attack us. He is there. He is for us, for we are his. He will never abandon us, only we make the mistake of abandoning him by sinning. Read the bible from the beginning until the end. Try 1 chapter a day, 5 chapters a day or 10 chapters a day. Remind yourself of the word of God and his laws and what he and his prophets have instructed us not to do in order not to anger God and what to do when we have sinned against God. Pray as often as possible for strength and peace. Know that these afflictions are not of God nor are they from God but are the works of the enemy against you in order to lead your soul to ruin. Ask God to fight for you and do your part. Remember you are not alone, there are many struggling as you are and some worse but remind yourself that you are fighting the good fight to make yourself right with God and to be closer to him. Even when you stumble, get back up but remeber not to make it a habit of returning to the same sins over and over again. Learn to strive for positive progress towards the things that are of God and fight tooth and nail against those that lead you far from God. A life without God, without the presence of God is a horrific existence. God is the sweetness of our lives. Remember that God fights for you, so you should also strive to be with him. Do not be complacent. God is God. Do not let yourself be lied to by the enemy nor matter in what shape, form, thought, feelings he may come to destroy your soul. Pray, repent and try to keep yourself right with God. God bless you and grant you peace and strength in your struggles. God loves you even though most don’t believe in him and even reject him. God exists. He is our Father, our Lord, our Creator and our King. Our Lord Jesus even leads us to God when he tells us how to pray to our Father in Heaven when we petition him. Do not take the Lord’s holy word in vain. Remember who you are. You are a child of God born of the spirit of God himself. Remember who you are.

6 prayed for this