Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 1 year ago

To those struggling with spiritual attacks whether they be demonic, satanic or may come from witchcraft, please be strong. Ask for prayers from your pastors and reverend. Ask for blessings for your homes and yourselves, and keep your eyes on God. These evil people and evil spirits will mock you and do unspeakable things to you but know that the power is truly in your hands through prayer. You may find that in some cases most people are against you for no reason at all and it is because you have been marked in a way that causes other negative people to attack you. Ask for peace and strength from God and know that God will fight this battle for you. They may send evil spirits to attack you or try to cause you to go insane but know that God sees everything that they do. They may cast spells, curses, incantations, even trap and plot against you, your family and your lives but know that God is your sustenance. They may have given up their lives and souls to be puppets to demons and the evil one but be strong and give yourself to God your Father. Pray always, read the holy word and try to live a decent life. It may sometimes feel pointless or like you are fighting a losing battle but know that all the good you do and seeking always the face of God in your life is never in vain and will never be in vain. They may go around in groups, taking instructions to cause your destruction or the ruin of your soul but know that the Lord, your God, your Father, your Creator sees all. It is truly tough out here on this earth and there seems to be so many people who have given themselves up to the path of darkness for whatever reason but be strong. Stay far away from new age things such as tarot cards, crystals, psychics, mediums, fortune-tellers, distance healings etc for they only open doors to negative entities into your lives. God is our Redeemer and our Saviour. Our Lord Jesus leads the way only to his Father for he has instructed us on how to petition our Father when we need his help. God is always by our side. He is everywhere even though you may not feel it or believe it. He is there. He sees all our hurts and pain. We just need to be strong and only God can give us that strength and peace if we but ask him and let everything unfold as it should. I know that you may feel alone because you are going through things that most people probably don’t even know of or even believe exists but it is not a matter of belief because the spiritual realm is real whether we believe it or not and there are many evil things happening to good people out there who don’t even know how to ask for help, who don’t even know how to prove that these things are happening to them, only God sees these things and only to him you must run to. God is the one who created this world and he knows everything about it even the things we don’t know about or can’t even see. Yes, you can’t take such attacks to court , for how do you prove to someone that you are being attacked through demonic, satanic and witchcraft ways. God is God, he knows and sees everything and everyone, you don’t have to prove it but need only pray about it. Pray for yourselves and families for God to help you no matter how desperate your situations are. Let us turn away from our sins, repent, ask forgiveness from God and try our best to lean towards the things of God. I pray God grant you strength and peace in your struggles and may he keep you ever so steady in spirit for even though they may mock you, torment you, torture you, know that God is going through this suffering with you. For are they not against God if their against you?. For are they not against the will and holy word of God himself? Of course they are. It is they who will suffer more for their dark evils which they so love. So, please take heart, just pray and trust that things will get better overtime. It is a long and hard journey to delivarence but delivered you will be in one form or the other. Let us trust as the prophets trusted in God, let us take an example of their lives and take strength from their very own sufferings that we one day will find solace in the heart and loving arms of our Father. Please do not lose hope.

4 prayed for this