Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 12 months ago

I’m going through lot of warfare right now and not in a good place, and really struggling through it. Please pray to demolish all warfare coming against me in Jesus name. Also my head feels very unclear, don’t feel motivated, very apathetic, and very tired and weak. Please pray for full health and healing for me and my husband too, that God would make it clear what it is and His solution. Please Pray God’s presence and protection and that my parents and family would make right and wise decisions and fast, particularly regarding something in particular. Please pray help at my work and that God would provide my husband with awesome part time job with hours that are right and good for our family too and help him make right and wise decision about club position and club. God to help my husband and I be great parents, better at structuring time and grace upon very busy next five weeks. God to help my husband be kind and thoughtful, gracious to our son and me and us to both model Jesus as parents. God’s best and Him to help me to keep Him first. As Holy SPirit leads. Thank you very much!

13 prayed for this