Prayer Request

By Angela

Submitted: 5 months ago

I was talking to a friend about church and she wanted to know if I still went. I do not. I listen to wgts. After I got better after being sick for many months went back to find out we had been removed as members. If that’s not a sign to leave I don’t know what is. Not one person checked on me or cared to check on family. My surgerys yrs before that no one showed when I had complications. The priest from the catholic church came to me everyday I was in the hospital when no one else did. When I would volunteer for kids church few people had rude remarks that I shouldn’t be allowed to read to kids with my speech and reading issues and that when a child needed to be picked up I couldn’t due to weight restrictions of lifting things espically right after surgery. I would ask where I could help and they only wanted me to help with doing things that was against drs orders. Like volunteer for the food bank. They wanted me moving heavy boxes I told them I couldn’t tried to explain and I was told I was lazy. Lord let my heart heal from this. I still want to serve and share God and Jesus and I do. Prayers as I continue my journey prayers for our family we still Love God very much daughter is mad at him prayers this will advently pass she still believes in him. Let your will be done.

17 prayed for this