Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 4 months ago

Prayers for abortion issues and laws. Prayers I belive it should be between you and your dr and only you and your dr and spouce if married to happen in certain circumstances. I don't think a teen that is allowed to date someone and ends up pregnant should be allowed to be threaten by there own family that the teen must get an abortion saying they are going to put the boy friend in jail if they don't. Then that boyfriend starts to treat you badly then you think you deserve bad shit to happen to you. That you don't deserve nothing because you made a mistake a mistake that I myself still not sure if it was a mistake God allowed for those baby's to form. I had 2 not knowing until the abortion was in progress. When done they checked and said we got to do again there is a second baby in there. How depressing awful and I don't know if I can ever fully forgive myself for not standing up to everyone and not have done the abortion.. Can't change that now. Let your will be done.

5 prayed for this