By Anonymous
Submitted: 4 months ago
Prayers for people and there judgment. I am now going to 2 specialist and going physical Therapy. I understand things needing to be reported but why are they only reporting to Medicare the half they believed to be true and not everything that I was there for. The sent me home sending me my primary care Dr and to get back checked out they had seen some damage under old surgery. I have dyslexia and when iam in lots of pain and known need help with decision making I take my husband my appointed advocate. I made them aware that I smoke canabis but not as much as use to and working on finding alternatives that don't have bad side effects for me or makes things hard for other around cause they cause other issues. So apparently they reported to Medicare no finding and that I had low decision making and I was under the influence. I'm yes we have already determined that and Medicare already knows. Please help me find away to speech to hospital so next time I go this doesn't happen. Let your will be done