Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 5 months ago

Prayers for a lady at store caring for her parents. Prayers for Kary and family. Prayers for new child sponsoring. Prayers for friend they have decided to make changes to diet and kids. She looks very good and her confidence up. Prayers her husband keeps supporting her through this. Prayers also he was drinking but some of the stuff he was talking about old days and missing somethings. He doesnt need some of those old things back in his life nor does his kids or wife. Prayers husband continues to change his diet gets test done he is suposed to. Prayers son job continues to go well and school. Prayers for daughter as she continues to figure somethings out. Prayers for my health Prayers for my back. Prayers for pt comming up. Prayers for a cousin that is moving and prayers for sister inlaw for her schooling and what she chooses to eating and exerciseing Let your will be done

2 prayed for this