Prayer Request

By Angela

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers Lord for sister inlaw. She is scheduling apt for nutritionist they finally got one near us and get in to primary care Dr and they can work together to help her geting healthier. It’s not just about losing weight to look good its about getting healthier and her felling good and comfortable with herself and a weight she is comfortable with and eliminating leg and back pain. Many prayers Lord. She has learned in our home so far adding healthier vegetables into her diet and exercise now she need to learn to remove some of the unhealthy things from diet. I choose to stay away from artificial ingredients and only have very little. Prayers she continues to walk and exercise and as she does she can increase this as she gets better. Prayers brother will leave her alone she says her brother brings her depression with the way he talks to her this doesn’t help motivate her. Let your will be done. Prayers for myself and husband also we are trying to help and also help keeping my and my husband’s medical issues in control and starting a business that I hope will help our family and help others. Prayers for daughter also she gets so angry when she hears her Uncle S talk to his sister the way he does. Lord please take these negative emotions and thoughts and words out of our house. Everyone in this house says they belive in God. Prayer for brother inlaw he has told me he rebuked the holy spirit along time ago but I think he messes with people and thinks it’s a joke not sure though. Let your will be done.

13 prayed for this