Prayer Request

By Angela

Submitted: 11 months ago

Pray for self control, especially over my words and thoughts. Give me the ability to focus on everything that is good and pure. Please help me to love others like Jesus. Help me to be humble, not proud, and to take control of my thoughts. I believe that God has placed a desire within to move to be with my boyfriend, but it seems impossible. Help me to completely give that to God and believe that he will bring all of us together in a way that is of the highest good for all. Help my fear of abandonment to heal, and for me to see him in the way that God sees him, instead of looking for the negative. Get me out of my head and soften my heart. Help me find community. Watch over and protect my children. Help me to be a reflection of you to my children and to raise them up in the way they should go. Help me to see God’s will for my life and to know what He wants me to do to bring Him glory. And give me the resolve to do it. And to give all praise and glory to Him.

12 prayed for this