Prayer Request

By Alycea

Submitted: 2 months ago

I am a single mother of four amazing children, ages 14 to 3. I am writing to share my story and ask for your prayers and support during a challenging time for my family and me.

At the end of February, we experienced a devastating electrical fire that destroyed our home and everything in it. Since then, we have been without a stable place to live, struggling to find a new home. The loss of our home was a tremendous blow, but I’ve remained hopeful and tried to stay strong for each my babies.

In July, our situation worsened when our car broke down due to needing a new transmission. As a single mother, balancing everything on my own, I found it impossible to afford the necessary repairs. Losing our car has made it even more difficult to navigate daily life and care for my children.

These past months have been incredibly tough. I often feel down, depressed, and defeated, unsure of which way to turn. I have always tried to figure things out on my own, but now I find myself in a position where I need to reach out for help.

I am asking for your prayers and support as we continue to search for a new home and a reliable vehicle. Your thoughts and prayers would mean the world to us during this difficult time. Any assistance or guidance you can provide would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. We are holding onto hope and faith that better days are ahead.

With gratitude,


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