Prayer Request

By Alessia G

Submitted: 10 months ago

Hi guys, idk if yall remember me but I’m the girl that’s been going through a hard time financially and emotionally with a relationship with an abuser. That’s still the case but the relationship is getting worse. I’ve been threatened. I’ve been r worded by him. I’ve been called names I cannot repeat. And I just don’t have the strength to end it even though I know in my heart, mind, soul, and spirit know I should. I need help and I need prayer. Lots of prayer. Crying is the only thing I know now and the only thing I do. He doesn’t care for me nor my well being. Yesterday was my last straw as we were getting ready for a date he was drinking and behind the wheel while I was in the car. Let me tell you the thoughts in my mind was praying that God take me out. That I did not care if the car ran into a car or just k worded me. I just didn’t want to be there anymore. And if any of you have been in an abusive relationship it’s hard to get out of one. I’ve been manipulated and now I can say I no longer feel safe. I get scared when he’s around and I jump when he turns to face me. Please. All I need is prayer. Prayer for something to happen that will allow me to leave. Prayer for him to end it and never take me back no matter how hard I try. Prayer for anything. Anything. I’m no longer happy. And I’ve been considering negative things to do to myself as I’ve already harmed myself being with him. Like cuts. Please help me. Please.

11 prayed for this