Prayer Request

By Alessia

Submitted: 9 months ago

So I submitted a prayer request yesterday about my relationship with B. A little back story is we dated before on and off and we loved each other so much and still do that usually what comes down to us ending things is him not able to see me or hear me. His anxiety gets the best of him and he becomes so enclosed and shut off that no argument gets resolved. Yesterday was a pretty bad 4rgument and he cried due to frustration and his anxiety increasingly getting worse and I put my feelings aside to try to help him. But it all started because he was judgement towards my short term career choice. He apologized but it seemed so insincere and careless. I grew up in a n3gative household that always fights and it’s rubbed on me so now I try to fight as much as I can bc it’s normal. Even though B has recently saved me from an 4busive relationship that I asked for prayer about in December I’m free of that and B has been so supportive and loving. But these arguments consume our relationship and although we aren’t dating dating officially we both want to. We both just need help and guidance in terms of how we manage his anxiety and my needs of reassurance in arguments. Idk how to explain it he just shuts down and twitches and talks to himself. Over the years being with him I’ve seen first hand his anxiety getting worse. Even before we first dated we were best friends and I saw he had anxiety. He said he wants to see a therapist but today he’s asked for space. So far since yesterday the prayers have slightly worked and from what he said as we talked yesterday from wanting to leave bc he feels as if this isn’t working out he said he wanted space and I asked if he wanted me to not talk to him for good and he said not forever no. So I guess that’s something to be grateful about. Just please, please come together with me as I pray for a miracle. For us to seek guidance on how to work together as a future couple/ pre couple now in terms of his anxiety and shutting down in times of conflict and my need to want f1ghts constantly. You guys I love him so very much. I was in such a d4rk place before and in such an 4busive relationship and he saved me from that. He gave me the courage to be able to leave and has supported me financially and loved me so much better than before. On new years, we saw the fireworks and I cried from the awful year I had and going into a new one with the same guy I’ve loved for almost a decade (7 years). Please pray for us to be able to get through this obstacle that we haven’t been able to get through before. Thank you all. So much.

11 prayed for this