Prayer Request

By Abigail

Submitted: 7 months ago

Please pray God helps me to obey quickly, for the faith, boldness and courage to do so. Also please pray God gives me grace and wisdom in navigating situation at work and breakthrough for this tiredness, difficulty pushing through, difficulty in focus, for clarity and focus and help me to do a great job. Please pray God helps me to keep him first, for supernatural strength, energy, love kindness and care. Breakthrough for husbands warfare, travelers mercies, blessings and guidance for our trip, confirmation on if places are right or not right fit. For God to help get our taxes done easily and fast, for God to help me keep him first and my husband to have deeper relationship with God. Please pray God continues to confirm and make clear his voice regarding upcoming trips, for God to help us be great parents and for help implementing great schedule for Nehemiah possible moves and Gods best.

7 prayed for this