Prayer Request

By Abigail

Submitted: 6 months ago

Praise God!! I got an offer letter from my work to get converted to full time employee!! Praise God!! Glory Hallelujah! I would like the offer amount to be higher, as after I budget, I do not have much wiggle room. Please pray grace and wisdom in negotiations and grace and favor and that they would be agreeable to a higher salary for both me and my two coworkers being brought on. Please pray God help me to obey quickly, for boldness, courage, strength and faith, regarding conversations and other things. Please pray for God’s love, kindness, healing for both my son and I, as I think I’m sick! Please pray God would pour out His kindness and grace upon me and my husband. He’s visiting family. Grace upon my husband, for the time with his family and friends there to be really great, with peace and no friction and me, for grace as I hold down the fort at home; I’m getting sick. Please pray God’s blessings upon the retreat this weekend, that God would work powerfully in me and in all the ladies, bringing breakthrough, refreshing, permanent transformation, that God would anoint, bless, protect, guide and direct the retreat. Please pray God would help me to love my family, and for grace and wisdom in navigating through an argument and hurt I recently had. Please pray God to help me to focus on the positive and for His Presence and protection and help to keep him first and manage all the items in life that need to be managed. That God’s supernatural grace and wisdom would help me and guide me and that I would be on the right ladders. God to help me know how to honor my husband. As Holy Spirit leads. Thank you very much!!

13 prayed for this