
By Stephanie

Submitted: 2 months ago

Sorry this is long –
UPDATE on my son Jesse who was in in stage 5 kidney failure. One kidney "0%" function and the other 3%. He was driving himself to and from dialysis 3 days a week trying to hang on to life. There had never been a donor step forward until yesterday. I want to thank the family and young man who did this. I know it is never easy losing a loved one especially your child. I hope that there is some comfort in knowing your gift to my son not only saved his life but helped your loved one live on in some way. Everyone was saying odds were not in my son Jesse's favor 85% chance of rejection. I kept saying God will lay His loving hands on Jesse and heal him. I believe. My son spent his entire adult live as a Marine. He is so special to me and his sisters. He is our heart. Through all the prayers and faith God showed him, his sisters and the non-believers that He has this, He has Jesse in His hands and Jesse will be just fine. Jesse is such a wonderful young man. He is so generous, loving, and always willing to help anyone. He has struggled with many financial issues and car issues due to the illness. Still he survived.

My daughter (Diane) texted me last night at 10:43 pm with an update on her brother "Surgery is done. As soon as he starts to wake up they'll bring him to the ICU. Heart rate, and blood pressure stayed strong throughout the entire surgery. New kidney started producing urine and filtering IMMEDIATELY after being put in! They're very confident that the kidney will not reject overnight, but they will still be keeping a close eye on him to be sure."

Thank you all who prayed for Jesse and to all who will continue to pray. He has a long recovery road ahead of him. His sister Diane is his support person. God give her the strength, wisdom and courage to do this. With 5 little ones from 2 – 11 years old, work, pets etc. she will have her hands full. Bless the doctors and staff for all they did to save Jesse. Again thank you all so much.