
Submitted: 1 week ago

Praise God for healing "evangelical" cult trauma enough that I feel safe in church again. And for healing interpersonal violence trauma so I can begin to trust people again. Praise God for Christian fellowship (inside and outside any given building). Praise God for helping me "work... read more

Submitted: 1 week ago

Thank you, Lord for answered prayers! You walk with us and make plans one step ahead of us. thank you for your great love and mercy. We praise you all the days of our life.

Submitted: 1 week ago

Can god restore my cerculation and blood flow in my left leg the Dr said I’m going to lose 2 of my toes. Also I have an ulcer on my heal that is healing slowly this prevents me from walking please lord I’m calling out to you to heal me 😭 I’m also diabetic.

Submitted: 2 weeks ago

I was able to help the some kids in South Asia for treats 🍬 🍭 cracker 🍘 🍘 n books 📚 with a little of my USD. I love the kids. Jesus does love them More amen from Alexandria VA

Submitted: 2 weeks ago

A company offered me a job, then led me on for weeks. Now there's no job. I'm almost out of medicine and can't pay rent. God knows I want to work, but I haven't been able to find work I can do with my disabilities for more than 3 years. Please pray.

Submitted: 2 weeks ago

One of my church members name Bro. Julio had a heart attack 2 days ago in the evening at his residence and was taken by ambulance to Hospital at 1 am. He had a stent put in and everything was successful. He is in the hospital resting/recovering.