By Bettina Judith
Submitted: 2 months ago
Blessed is this Holy day, the birth of our LORD and Savior Jesus. Blessed in His Name are all Believers that He is the one and only Son of our Father, the LORD ALMIGHTY this day and forever. Children of GOD he loves us more than we love our selves. Remember when you are lonely, scared, anxious, in pai , sorrow, rejoice for we always have our Blessed LORD, King, GOD in Heaven. Nor will they say here it is or there it is, for the Kingdom if Heaven is in our hearts. Trust and believe LORD Jesus is the Son of GOD, he will redeem, save, vindicate all who believe. All our prayers get answered according to GOD'S Divine Plan….be patient; for it took 3 1/2 years of daily praying to GOD for rain…Our Father, the LORD in Heaven will fill our hearts through His Holy Spirit with strength, assurance he hears, sees knows us better then we know our selves. Christmas: meaning in Hebrew: the Blessed birth. Amen