Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray I get good rest tonight and that I am warm.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray I get good rest tonight and that I am warm.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please for me, I have been dealing with hives for more than a month. I’m taking 4 pills a day. It doesn’t itch but I still flare up. I want this to go away for good.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please say a prayer for my nephew Fred, he is dealing with addiction and is finally going to a clinic for help. Please pray for him I know God is the only one that can help him heal from the pain he feels and get him out of that awful situation and away from bad company. Thank you so much. ??
Submitted: 1 year ago
Failed marriage From full time to part time Debt collectors calling Waiting on the homecoming of my children Unsuccessful co-parenting Work on my passions to only be not passionate--its a wave Car towed away Back at my mothers Trying to forgive here and am very tired Still helping people, but I... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please keep me in your prayers for a situation that I will deal with on Wednesday that is very stressful. Pray that the situation will be dismissed and that my life with my family will be back to normal. This has brought me closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Submitted: 1 year ago
I just got an e-mail it said someone had prayed for me. I said wow how did they know. It has turned cold, and my wife is having trouble moving her hands. Maybe also that is why my dog is hurting tonight they both have arthritis, and the meds only help so much. I have another my son still having... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayer for high scores on my final grades/exams this semester, and that I continue to be diligent and focused until the end.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for a difficult conversation with my MIL tonight. This has been a long time coming and I want to focus on forgiving and moving forward. Thank you in advanced
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for me to get a job so I may get away from my verbally abusive family. I just got rejected by a job I really wanted and I'm feeling very hopeless and like God has forsaken me.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Healing Prayer for good doctor for painful and serious illness, 15 years. I am an elderly lady struggling with faith, abandonment and no help. Thank you.