Submitted: 1 year ago

I ask for you to pray for my marriage and help my husband see that he needs to hold on to our family. He’s been treating our marriage like it’s not important not existing and we have been in enduring a lot. We have children and they want us to be together in holy matrimony. Please restore our... read more

9 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

please pray for mr. jay turner that as his cavities in his mouth all need to be pulled all out on this monday morning. also it is his birthday party on february the 19th 2024? you can send birthday cards money or gifts and presents to 24604 showbarn circle dasmascus maryland 20872. love mr. jay... read more

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers for Ashely. Getting meds and having side effect or them just not working is awful to go through. I would know. When I was a child always getting sick being put on meds that didn't work. When they finally removed my tonsils they where bad. I continued to get sick after that but not as bad... read more

13 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers for brother. He is wanting niece Cayla to talk to him. She has select mutism and some people she just doesn't talk to. Prayers he doesn't push to hard and push her away. Let your will be done.

13 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers Lord as I continue to get better. Prayers for dreams at night. Few seem to come back prayers for peaceful dreams. Thank you that one's from past have not come back again at night going through abortion was awful then after o we are not done yet you have another was the most awful thing to... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Heavenly Father my situation has grown worse. I hate myself and the person I've become. I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry for my sins. Help me Jesus.I pray for my wife, marriage, health, and job. Please Jesus; I need you! Amen! ? ? ?!

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray with me as I have had what I thought was a UTI and went to the ER for medicine to get relief. It seems the medicine was not working so they gave me another medicine and it seems it is still not working. I am so scared and worrying a lot as I don’t know what else it could be or what... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

I am having pain and is scheduled to have a mammogram next month. I am trying to hold on to Jesus as I know how awesome He is and his healing power is always at work. I continue to quote scripture, to stay positive, however, I need prayer from the WGTS family. Thank you!

15 prayed for this