Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray that whatever schemes the devil and my enemies are up to are exposed and confounded. Please pray that The LORD protects me. Thanks.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray that whatever schemes the devil and my enemies are up to are exposed and confounded. Please pray that The LORD protects me. Thanks.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for my son Jason to be successful in his endeavors to be a personal chef. Also, that he doesn’t depend on me so much to help him financially.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for my son to stop swearing all the time. Please pray he finds friends who love Jesus and do his schoolwork! Let him succeed in school and not be distracted this semester.
Submitted: 1 year ago
My husband and two teenage sons openly mock me, talk back and disregard me. This is causing me great distress in many ways. I'll leave it to you to pray for me and my family. There is a lot of damage here. I shouldn't be going through this. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Submitted: 1 year ago
I'm asking for prayer today. My family has been getting hit so hard nonstop for the past couple of years. We can't get past the first 5 crisis before the next 5 crop up. I have strong faith in God, but I am growing weary from the nonstop trials. Please pray for God to either bring peace or give me... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Tanya sells some things on offer up. She needs the money and declutter her house. Thank you
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for JDW prayers for him to find forgiveness to truly turn to you Lord spend time in your word if needed and use a dictionary for proper interpretation. Prayers he will seek guidance if needed and place the right people in his life to guide em. Let your will be done.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for Tracy she has shared on fb she feels unappreciated worthless and is in alot of pain in foot. Prayers for you Lord to send her feelings of being loved let her family see her and love her. Please place drs and nurses in her life that can help deal with her foot pain. Let your will be... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Heavenly Father today may be my last day alive. I'm in a very dark terrible place with no way out. I have thoughts about ending my life. I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry for my sins. I ask the WGTS family to please pray with me today. Jesus my God and Savior I pray for your love, forgiveness,... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers I've got 4 family members I still haven't gotten presents to. Prayers they aren't offended since it's after Christmas. Let your will be done.