Submitted: 12 months ago

My roof has been damaged and needs a complete replacement. Water has been leaking through my master bedroom ceiling, every time it rains, which has also caused damaged. I am financially stressed and can't afford this $6,800 roof replacement and internal ceiling repair. I have been praying for God... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray for my son that the devil release him. Out of addictions, lies, bad decisions, immorality and depression. Please release these strongholds in Jesus name. We have tried EVERYTHING. I am desperate and he is now just bringing me down with him as my every minute of everyday is spent in fear... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

A friend needs to find a new doctor to complete a procedure sooner rather than later. Many health issues. Get things in order and then something falls apart. Out of your control. Dear Lord grant wisdom and direction. Thank you.

15 prayed for this