Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray that I stop making mistakes at my current job, that my supervisor releases me earlier, and that I find another job that suits my skills and interests. Please let me work out the situation with Derek.

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray for loved ones that said they don’t want to go to church. Pray God will soften their hearts & help them see the importance of attendance Pray for a family situation that God knows about & for work issues.

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

My wife has arthritis symptoms, including swelling in her wrist and hand to such a degree that she can hardly move or use it and it causes her a lot of pain. Synovitis has caused limitations. Please pray for healing and that God miraculously reduces her pain, swelling and restores mobility and... read more

0 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Thank you God for another day. I'm sorry for my sins. I can't take it anymore. Please Jesus help me; my situation has gotten worse. I don't know if I'll make it through today. Please WGTS family pray with me. I need you Jesus please! I cry out in prayer my God and Savior for your love, forgiveness,... read more

7 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Lord please don't let my brothers children take advantage of him because he is ill. Please help my brother to understand the importance of his finances and to be aware of his spending habits. Please Lord control his compulsive behavior. Please let me get my car today In Jesus Name. Amen!

9 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray for my 86 year old mother, Leton, who is having surgery on her left hand for Carpal tunnel. Pray that the Lord will take over the surgeon and surgery, and that she recovers well and quickly with the least amount of pain. I know He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we... read more

15 prayed for this