Submitted: 1 year ago

Tad could use prayers. He can't shake the terrible memories out of his head from being abused as a child. He is a older adult now. He loves himself, feels worthy, has the will to live. Wants a better life than drugs and depression. He also gets s hold of his sister. She can't get a hold of him. She... read more

13 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Learned recently that a dear friend (like an uncle) of the family has cancer. While he self-admittedly has lived a long full blessed life, he will be missed dearly by family and friends he leaves behind. We learn from him his prognosis when we see him tonight. He has been an anchor of love and... read more

13 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my sister that she will be able to get her medication’s that she needs from the insurance that’s not letting her have them. And that she would heal her from her chronic pain migraines, and every other thing that she is going through at this time. She Needs her medications and... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my friend son. He has been a sick child since the day he was born. He is currently in the hospital fighting for his life and things don’t look good. Just pray that God‘s will be done for this little boy. Thank you.

13 prayed for this