Submitted: 1 year ago

Asking for prayers for our son in college. He is doing well academically, but having some challenges with the social aspects of creating a trust worthy friend base. We want God’s will to resound in his life and he develops confidence as a child of God!

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers as i continue to not do canabis. New meds not working well depression and emotionally worse taking nothing for pain having. Lord help me to deal with the pain lord as I wait to go to foot dr. Prayers they can resolve issues I have been going to drs of and on for a long time for this. One Dr... read more

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers issues with ordering school books get resolved so I can get classes started. I had to register to order last book so I know I have an account. I have password written down say not right submit to rest it it say if you have account it will send a link no link sent yet. Last time had issues... read more

7 prayed for this