Submitted: 12 months ago

I ask for prayers for my life in general. My marriage has hit rock bottom with us being separated now. We have girls and are trying to the best we can in raising them along with explaining that sometimes people don't always stay together. However, even when this happens, they (the girls) will... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray for Tad. He can't shake the terrible memories away from being abused as a child. He is a older adult now. He forgives, loves himself, feels worthy, has the will to live. Wants a better life than drugs and depression. Thank you

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Prayers Lord for brother inlaw Michael, Corine and Baby. Prayers Michael will straighten up. Prayers for husband he is disgusted with the whole situation. It really bothers him and the fact that Michael is 42 and his girl just turned 21 she is to young for him. I agree with him but nothing we can... read more

0 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray with me as I have a bump that is causing me pain and discomfort and I just want it to go away. It’s big and seems to be growing. I know with the power of prayer God can and will perform miracles. Please prayer warriors pray for and with me as I want to just wake, and it be gone or get... read more

9 prayed for this

Submitted: 12 months ago

Please pray that I am able to support my kids financially and emotionally. Both are in college and dealing with their own challenges. I just want to be there for them in the way God calls me to be. I also ask for prayers that God give them courage and strength in their daily lives and directs their... read more

9 prayed for this