Submitted: 10 months ago

Please say a prayer for there to be no bad weather this weekend and no accumulation with snow. It is such bad timing for that to happen for certain reasons and my anxiety is up. Pray for good weather.

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 10 months ago

Please pray for my brother in law Nate. He was in a car accident last night. He is awake and aware but his neck is broken and he can't feel anything from his stomach down. Please pray for him that everything will be alright and that he will have a successful surgery. Thank you so much. May God... read more

15 prayed for this

Submitted: 10 months ago

I'm asking for prayer and a miracle today. My in-laws are senor citizens. Due to circumstances beyond their control they are forced to have to sell their home or the bank will take it. They have to be out on the day if settlement which is January 5th. This is killing them. They are devastated about... read more

11 prayed for this