Submitted: 9 months ago

I pray for my husband that with Matthew 19:6 that my husband is to cleave to his wife and let not man put our marriage asunder in the mighty name of Jesus! I pray that God's love will soften his heart and he returns home repented and we work together and live together under God. Lord I pray for... read more

16 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Please pray for my mom. Her uterine cancer has returned and has spread to her lymphnodes. Doctor says there is only treatment that MAY help, but Jehovah Rapha- the God who Heals- can do anything. Thank you and God Bless!

15 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Please pray for a friend going through Breast Cancer treatment. One of my heart's desire is that, the Lord will continue to be with her every step of this journey, and she feels the presence of God all the way. Thank you so much for praying.

15 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Thank you WGTS for your many prayers. I continue to pray to our Heavenly Father and ask that you please pray with me. My situation is getting worse. I don't want to live anymore. I'm sorry for my sins. Please Jesus help me; intervene in my life. I can't do this alone. Please Jesus I cry out in... read more

19 prayed for this