Submitted: 9 months ago

Please pray with me as I have had what I thought was a UTI and went to the ER for medicine to get relief. It seems the medicine was not working so they gave me another medicine and it seems it is still not working. I am so scared and worrying a lot as I don’t know what else it could be or what... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

I am having pain and is scheduled to have a mammogram next month. I am trying to hold on to Jesus as I know how awesome He is and his healing power is always at work. I continue to quote scripture, to stay positive, however, I need prayer from the WGTS family. Thank you!

15 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Please pray for my son Andrew and his father to come to an agreement and keep a peaceful relationship however not involving me as we’ve been divorced for 20 years . I do not wish for my son to go thru life angry and hurt I have made my peace and I have tried to intervene but it causes strife in... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Dear Lord, please keep our four dogs safe as we travel. It’s the first time we’ve traveled overseas since we got our dogs and are nervous leaving them behind for a week at a boarding place. Please let their stay go well and that we get all four of them all safe, happy and sound. In Jesus name,... read more

15 prayed for this