Submitted: 11 months ago
My daughter is 21 and has been lying and stealing. She has lost her way. Please pray she finds her way back home. Her name is Jaiden.
Submitted: 11 months ago
My daughter is 21 and has been lying and stealing. She has lost her way. Please pray she finds her way back home. Her name is Jaiden.
Submitted: 11 months ago
Please pray for my relationship with Khurram Soften his heart back to me Pray my name on his heart and mind and only me keep other women off his mind and bring him back to me let him see our differences are only an opportunity for growth and not a reason to separate . Pray live between us and... read more
Submitted: 11 months ago
Please pray for my son Andrew he makes bad choices he doesn’t think he spends money unwisely he gets mad at me all the time please fix this kid Jesus
Submitted: 11 months ago
Heavenly Father, I trust you. I have made many bad choices in hindsight and I am regretfully sorrow for them. I know you have a plan for my life. Please heal me in my mind. I am very lost and very broke and broken.
Submitted: 11 months ago
Please say a prayer for things to keep working out between me and the special girl in my life. Things seem good but there are always other men trying and she is just in an unsure situation. Pray that she will know in her heart that I will truly love her and her kids and pray no one will separate... read more
Submitted: 11 months ago
I’m a single mother who’s in a middle of a housing and relationship crisis. Please please pray that this housing application gets accepted for me, my daughter and my unborn son. I know God has his plans that are far beyond my understanding and no matter what happens, we are still held in His... read more
Submitted: 11 months ago
Please pray that my eye surgery will be successful on Monday and that the tumor will be stabilized. In addition, that my left eye will remain healthy for the remainder of my life. Please also pray that God will give my son the focus and strength he needs to finish his spring college semester in an... read more
Submitted: 11 months ago
Please pray for me. I have not felt well. I had strep early in the month then felt better after antibiotics then a week and a half to two weeks later felt bad again. The 2nd rapid strep test was positive but then the culture was negative. It’s all feeling like its in my sinuses and due to some... read more
Submitted: 11 months ago
Please pray for Dave. He could use a miracle w his job. He is on straight commission. He books moves today and has more opportunities
Submitted: 11 months ago
I'm having a hard time dealing with my daughter wanting to convert to Muslim. I don't know what to do or say to her as we have bumped heads. I will always love her and I am praying for her. Feel that i have failed as a parent. Dear Lord please forgive me!