Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for my daughter who is struggling to find kind and genuine friends in high school. It is such a hard time for teens, but particularly today when social media and technology seems to have made kids even more cruel, apathetic and disingenuous. My heart aches for her. She has God in her... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

hello, i am sending in a prayer request for my sister :). a few minutes ago, tea was spilled on her and she has burns on her chin, shoulder, and chest (one of them being a third degree burn) i just really hope she is okay and all prayers are appreciated

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for my father. He was taken by ambulance today to the hospital because he suddenly got weak and fell and hit his head. He is to turn 80 years old later this month. Unfortunately he had the same mysterious weakness at the end of 2022 which ended him up in the hospital for over 2 months.... read more

7 prayed for this