Submitted: 9 months ago

Prayers for my boss' daughter, Katelyn. She is 23 just moved from this area to Tampa for a new job, which started last week. She has been experiencing extreme dizziness and now her legs are hurting. Has been to 3 different ERs in the past week. No one can figure out what is wrong. She has had to... read more

7 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Please pray for a client of mine. Pray for his family as well. He is a teen struggling to open up and experiencing behavioral problems and issues adjusting to life in a new state. Pray that he opens up and pray that I am able to reach him.

7 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Praying that God pays off all my past due bills, debts, back taxes, student loans and, stops my car from getting repossessed and blesses me abundantly that will allow me to pay off everything and still have money in the bank... Please join me in this crazy prayer!

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

Asking for prayer for guidance and direction that God gives me a sign that I can't ignore about where he wants me. If he wants me to continue to drive Lyft or move on to something else that he may have for me that aligns more specifically with his calling for my life and that give me the... read more

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 9 months ago

I know a disabled couple who really need help with their power bill due at the end of February that just came. Inflation truly is causing distress on those who were already struggling. If anyone can help them please call Duke Energy at 800 777 9898 and reference Account 9100 1777 3597. May God... read more

7 prayed for this