Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for me. I’m going through a really hard time in my life. I’m going through a separation from my fiancé, and it definitely has made me lose a lot of faith. I have a lot of fear of the future. I just really appreciate prayers.

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for my friends 2 boys who are in critical condition after being in a house fire on Wednesday. William and Zachariah are typical little boys. love football,wrestling,running and their whole family is active in their church. Please pray for them to be healed. In Jesus’ Precious Name.... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Hello Everyone, Am here to please ask you all to join me in prayer for my 5year old Nathan. The last few weeks has been really hard, Nathan is unable to stay in school, He showing all the this behavioral issues that, does not happen at home. We basically drop him off at 8 and by 8:30am we have to... read more

9 prayed for this