Submitted: 11 months ago

Ik ben invalide en heb veel financiƫle zorgen , en kom niet meer rond om te leven , voor eten te kopen en medicatie , bid voor mij om mijn zorgen te verminderen en mijn lichamelijke pijnen en stress , bid voor mij meer inkomen komt of lieve huisgenoot die kosten deel , dat deze huisgenoot lief en... read more

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for Gsry he has dementia. He struggling w confusion, hullicuating, sundowners, not sleeping well at night. Really bad late afternoon through late evening. Also.prayers his kids are at peace w his Adlut family home. Some like it, some don't.

21 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for my young adult son's mental health issues. Please pray for his ability to connect with a strong therapist who can help him work through his trauma and continuous intrusive thoughts, so that he may know peace. Please pray that God directs his path as far finding work so that he may... read more

15 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for Tad. He can't shake the terrible memories away. From being abused as a child. He is a older adult now. He loves himself, feels worthy, has the will to live, wants a better life than drugs and depression. Forgiveness

16 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

Please pray for me as I wrestle with liking a man that is moving out of the country for a couple years soon. We met four months ago through family and unbeknownst to me he started going to my church thereafter. The Lord brought him to my small group and have seen his heart for Jesus. There have... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 11 months ago

God you have helped me decrease my terrible thoughts about not wanting to live anymore; thank you. I'm sorry for my sins and pray for your mercy and forgiveness to strengthen me each day. Please WGTS family pray with me. Jesus please help me overcome my terrible situation. I pray for your love and... read more

15 prayed for this