Submitted: 10 months ago

Christ have mercy. WGTS family please pray with me today. I need you Jesus. I'm in a dark place seeking a way out through you. I'm sorry for my sins and the pain I've caused. Please Jesus I pray for my wife and marriage. As the Bible says "love endures all." Please help us endure our marriage and... read more

23 prayed for this

Submitted: 10 months ago

Please pray for me to get a job its been too hard to find one I need to pay my rent and bills, I know God give the process to strong people who can handle it but I feel like can’t do it without help , if you can also help me out with something I haven’t pay my rent this month God says if you... read more

24 prayed for this

Submitted: 10 months ago

I Wish Tink and Jimmie From YouTube To Make A Finding Nemo Skit Called Finding Layla and I Wish Queens Reality and From YouTube To Make A Finding Nemo Skit Please Pray That They Can Make It Thank You In Jesus Name Amen

22 prayed for this