Submitted: 10 months ago

Please for peace, wisdom and discernment over my life as it relates to the relationship I have with my sister. I feel overwhelmed by the choices she makes and while I want to be a loving sister, her habits make it very challenging.

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 10 months ago

Colleges are wrapping up with finals for the year. I would like us to pray for my daughter S, her friends, classmates and all the other college students hoping to graduate. Dear God help them to study well, remember what they study, and finish out their semester strong. Lord take away their anxiety... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 10 months ago

Please pray Dave comes clean w his wife. He continues to hide stuff from her. He us proud of it smiles anytime she ask him. Dear God please put it on his heart to come clean. She deserves it dear God. Thank yoy

8 prayed for this