Submitted: 7 months ago

Prayer for my son, John and his girlfriend Ashley. John is struggling with thoughts that is it God or Satan that is putting road blocks in their relationship? He is asking for discernment in these feelings. God is it you or Satan getting in my way?

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

I have been posting about health problems for several weeks now and would like continued prayer for healing and answers. My body feels like it’s attacking itself, I am in a lot of pain, my muscles keep disappearing, my nerve function is declining feel numbness and tingling, my shoulder muscle and... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

My heart and mind have been filled with worry, and I know that casting your worries to the Lord will give you peace, I recently found out that I am pregnant with my second child and have been told repeatedly to make sure I do not fall pregnant after my first child, because " raising a child takes a... read more

9 prayed for this