Submitted: 9 months ago
God please guide my hand in being a friend to those who need it and lead me to a positive, fulfilling relationship with a man that you have chosen for me. Help me to persevere in the waiting, amen
Submitted: 9 months ago
God please guide my hand in being a friend to those who need it and lead me to a positive, fulfilling relationship with a man that you have chosen for me. Help me to persevere in the waiting, amen
Submitted: 9 months ago
Please pray for the Foltz family. Their precious baby was due July 2nd but died and the mother had to still birth the baby this past weekend. Please ask God to meet this family where they need him. Pray that they turn to him for comfort.
Submitted: 9 months ago
Thank you God for another day. Thank you for helping my wife get better. I'm sorry for my sins. Please Jesus I pray for your love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace on my soul. Please grant me a new job opportunity for my family; I cry out in prayer. Please Jesus remember me! π π π!
Submitted: 9 months ago
Pray for Psalm 91 safety today n freedom from pestilence that I might do good deed out of my life for a brother today in Jesus'name π Ahmen A-men Γmen hallelujah
Submitted: 9 months ago
For God to transform me, to be the spiritual leader God has made me to be in my home, to be the husband and leader my wife and children deserve. Forgive me for my sins, I submit to you God.
Submitted: 9 months ago
My God and Savior, please grant me a new job opportunity. Please help me overcome my terrible situation. You can open the door for a new job for me; please do! Please allow the best job possible for me and my family! Please Jesus please remember me! Amen!
Submitted: 9 months ago
Heavenly Father please help my wife. She is not feeling well; it came on all of a sudden. Please heal and protect her, please! π π π!
Submitted: 9 months ago
Dear father I plead your blood, I ask that you heal my head from any attacks of the evil one in Jesus name. Amen!
Submitted: 9 months ago
I need a miracle by Tuesday morning. I am looking to secure a large deposit for a house and the agent has given us until Tuesday or she will move with another buyer. The Lord has placed this location/ community in my heart for a while now and there are only two lots remaining.
Submitted: 9 months ago
Please pray for my friend that is having medical problems currently and is in discomfort and pain. God knows her name and medical details. Plus, pray that beyond healing, that He perhaps can reveal to her how to remain healthy in the coming months and years ahead. Thank you sincerely.