Submitted: 8 months ago

Appreciate your prayers for Lacey Pup. She is my son's constant companion and we are all totally devastated that she may have cancer. She is having surgery in the next week and after the huge tumor is removed, they will be able to tell us if she has cancer or not. We are heart broken. Please... read more

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Prayers needed for my daughter and baby who is 21weeks pregnant with her first baby girl,Doctors found a 3centimeter lesion in her right lung, I need everyone’s prayers PLEASE 🙏for it to shrink and don’t get bigger, babies lung is smaller than the left lung Thankyou

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Please pray I n Jonathan be able to transfer over to new account soon to new apartment. Oh it is a pilot program never been done before. Relocation n renovations of the present apartment n move back in 6 or so weeks hmm 🤔 Ahmen in Jesus name Ahmen

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Hear my prayers my Lord. I'm sorry for my sins. Please Jesus hear my prayers to heal my wife and for a job opportunity. I need you Jesus my God and Savior. Please help me and answer my prayers! Amen!

2 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Be with Jonathan n moni n rishma too in Jesus name mighty in power amen hallelujah praise the Lord PS me n Jonathan are moving me Friday nhim today pray that he be not anxious for anything but with prayer n petition n thanksgiving make our request known unto God 🙏🙏

1 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Please pray for my high school daughter who is on a missions trip out of the country. She had a severe panic attack this evening while she was trying to go to sleep. Please pray that she will get some rest, and that she will enjoy serving the Lord the rest of the week.

4 prayed for this