Submitted: 7 months ago

My heart is heavy. My family in Brazil right now is being attacked by the devil. And I'm here and can't do anything to bring calm and peace to my sister and mother that have been fighting and arguing. I'm scared that I can lose some one today but I need to trust that my Father in Haven can calm... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

Please continue to pray for my sister, Ellen. God is beginning to work his miracle. My sister has been on a ventilator for 2+ weeks with not much hope. She had double pneumonia, congestive heart failure and kidney failure. She can know follow commands, is mostly breathing on her own and they have... read more

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

Prayers for my adult sons who struggle with untreated mental health and addiction issues. I pray my one son who does not pray or feel close to Jesus, will turn his life and worries over to God. I pray that they will be shown the path that their lives should be going in regards to relationships and... read more

11 prayed for this