Submitted: 8 months ago

Lord! C. Horton had to be rushed to the hospital on Monday because she had a seizure. Everything went dark, she couldn't see or talk. She is about 83 years old. By time she got to the hospital she could see and talk. Prayer Works! Thank You Lord! They are doing multiple tests now. Yesterday,... read more

4 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

I really need prayer today. I am going through an unspoken situation at the moment that has caused me so much hurt and emotional distress that I have not been able to stop crying or function properly. Please pray God will heal my heart and give me the strength to stop hurting, move forward, and get... read more

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Prayers for my mom who is having an MRI this morning to help determine if there is something that could be contributing to her sometime forgetfulness. She is anxious about the test and what it may show.

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

My father in law, Gene, goes in Wednesday for colon cancer mass removal surgery. Asking for prayers that they removal all the cancer, no follow up chemo treatments are necessary, and a quick recovery.

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

I am praying that the weather this week is perfect at the beach for my family vacation. It has been YEARS since my parents have been to the beach or any type of vacation. The weather keeps changing from heavy storms to no rain. I pray Lord, that you will hold off the rain and provide us with... read more

4 prayed for this

Submitted: 8 months ago

Friends, my knee and hip have been hurting me since an accident I had 4 years ago. I'm getting an MRI this week and could really use some prayers that the results are not as bad as I'm thinking they will be and that my knee and hip start feeling better through treatment that doesn't... read more

3 prayed for this