Submitted: 7 months ago

Please pray for a couple dealing with fertility issues. Recently lost a pregnancy and hospitalized. Please pray for hear healing physically and spiritually. May they not loose hope in God and the dream in becoming parents. I pray for healing and restoration.

0 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

Going through a contentious divorce. Please pray for favor with the legal system, wisdom from heaven, but most of all that my spouse would surrender his will to the will of God. Pray that our daughter keep trusting in God through it all and NEVER doubt that her heavenly Father loves her.

0 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

Lord please help me this week. I need you so much. I pray for my wife to heal and be at peace. Please Jesus help me overcome my work situation and grant me a new job opportunity. Please Jesus hear my prayers and have mercy on my soul! Amen!

1 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

For Derek and his family of 6. He totaled his car driving to work in a bad storm, and while God was with him and he was not hurt at all, the insurance company has not been kind and they are struggling financially.

2 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

Please Jesus my God and Savior help me; hear my prayers. I'm sorry for my sins. I pray for my wife to heal and have peace. I pray for a new job opportunity. Please Jesus remember me through your love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace on my soul! Amen!

2 prayed for this