Submitted: 6 months ago

Aba YAHWEH in the Name of JESUS please send our congregational family the ministers of praise and worship, the children and youth teachers, and the evangelists. We need your help, Lord because we need others to serve you, love you, and worship you along with us. We need your help HOLY SPIRIT of... read more

0 prayed for this

Submitted: 6 months ago

I pray dear Lord to protect me from the evil person who continues to stalk me. Please keep this person away. I'm sorry for my sins Jesus. Please bring peace to my family. Amen! Amen 🙏!

1 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

I want to praise the Lord and say with a heart full of gratitude that I am so overjoyed that I am forgiven. My sin has put me in a lot of difficult and challenging areas in my life, but the Lord has continually rescued me. He’s given me freedom despite my failures. I am overjoyed that I am... read more

Submitted: 7 months ago

God I'm sorry for my sins. Please Jesus protect me and my family by keeping that evil person who stalks me away. Please Jesus you're helping me get my life back on track. Please my Savior keep the stalker away. Amen!

2 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

My BroTheR Chris is having Seizures!!! In Fairfax HospiTal, Virginia. I pray & ask all to PraY wiTh me ThaT his seizures go away, ThaT Chris finds JeSuS ChrisT SuPeRSTaR GoD & quits his ALL VICES & BEGINS A NEW LIFE IN JESUS NAME WE I PRAY ALWAYS

1 prayed for this

Submitted: 7 months ago

I have been having a very rough year medically. I have had multiple infections, stomach ulcer, covid and now inflammation in my eye. I am feeling so discouraged and I wonder why this stuff keeps happening to me and sometimes I wonder where God is. I just want to be healthy again and enjoy my life.... read more

3 prayed for this