Submitted: 4 months ago

I wanted to submit it prayer request. I’ve been going through a lot the past two years. I don’t really tell anybody too much. I would like to know I can stop stressing and worrying about my health every year in May and get a mammogram and they always find something in my left side. This year in... read more

Submitted: 4 months ago

Please pray for my husband so that he can change and become more mindful of our family. His recent actions are hurting our relationship. He is communicating with someone from his past, and this is causing us pain.

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

Have very high stress in job right now & have a major meeting next week that makes you feel job on line & threatened. On a personal note financial state of house very tight right now not sure how we will make it through the next 2 weeks .I can't let family down.

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

Please pray for my family. My kids in particular and my wife as we struggle with our marriage. Also pray particularly for my second son who is autistic for God’s help and guidance and for my immigration papers to be processed quickly. I am feeling so overwhelmed and anxious everyday of my life.

8 prayed for this